Pakistan Inter Bank Rates

View latest Inter Bank currency rates in Pakistan for all major currencies including US Dollar, USD to PKR. Pakistan Inter bank currency prices are maintained by Pakistani Banks including State bank of Pakistan, National Bank and other Government Banks. We do provide uptodate Interbank exchange rates in Pakistan today for foreign currencies like PKR to USD and other currencies online.

Inter Bank Rates Today Pakistan

Change Date:

As per today at Monday, March 31, 2025
Currency Sym Buying
TT Clean
  US Dollar USD 280.1 280.6 0 USD to PKR
  Euro EUR 302.3 302.84 0 EUR to PKR
  Pound Sterling GBP 362.65 363.29 0 GBP to PKR
  UAE Dirham AED 76.78 76.92 0 AED to PKR
  Saudi Arabian Riyal SAR 74.68 74.81 0 SAR to PKR
  Kuwaiti Dinar KWD 909.09 910.71 0 KWD to PKR
  Canadian Dollar CAD 195.71 196.06 0 CAD to PKR
  Australian Dollar AUD 175.98 176.29 0 AUD to PKR
  Japanese Yen JPY 1.8579 1.8612 0 JPY to PKR
  Malaysian Ringgit MYR 63.22 63.33 0 MYR to PKR
  Qatari Riyal QAR 76.86 76.99 0 QAR to PKR
  Hong Kong Dollar HKD 36.02 36.08 0 HKD to PKR
  Danish Krone DKK 40.52 40.59 0 DKK to PKR
  New Zealand Dollar NZD 160.08 160.37 0 NZD to PKR
  Singapore Dollar SGD 208.88 209.26 0 SGD to PKR
  Norwegian Krone NOK 26.7 26.75 0 NOK to PKR
  Swedish Krona SEK 28.15 28.2 0 SEK to PKR
  Swiss Frank CHF 317.44 318 0 CHF to PKR
  Korean Won KRW 1.1909 0.1913 0 KRW to PKR
  Thai Baht THB 8.25 8.27 0 THB to PKR
Inter Bank Conversion rates for Frozen FC Deposits, DBC/FCBC, Special USD Bond in PKR
280.185 361.718 301.563 1.8611
Interbank Libor for Calculating Interest on Special USD Bonds
6 Mths USD Libor
6 Mths USD 4.2166
Interbank Interest Rates on Old FCY Deposits Pakistan
0 0
Inter Bank Rates for Currency Notes & TCs
Currency Symbol Selling Buying
U.S.A Dollar USD 283.41 277.3
SAUDI ARABIA Ryal SAR 75.56 73.92
U.K. Pound Sterling GBP 366.93 358.96
JAPAN Yen JPY 1.8798 1.8392
Europe Euro EUR 305.87 299.27
U.A.E. Dirham AED 77.16 76.01
Pakistan Interbank Interest Rates on Old FCY Deposits
Currency 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days 120 Days 150 Days 180 Days
USD L/C 277.31 274.39 271.96 269.23 266.44 263.92
GBP L/C 358.94 355.17 352.02 348.47 344.83 341.52
EUR L/C 299.78 297.16 295.03 292.59 290.09 287.83

Inter Bank Rates Today

USD to PKR is 280.1 PKR
EUR to PKR is 302.3 PKR
GBP to PKR is 362.65 PKR
AED to PKR is 76.78 PKR
SAR to PKR is 74.68 PKR
KWD to PKR is 909.09 PKR
CAD to PKR is 195.71 PKR
AUD to PKR is 175.98 PKR
JPY to PKR is 1.8579 PKR
MYR to PKR is 63.22 PKR
QAR to PKR is 76.86 PKR
HKD to PKR is 36.02 PKR
DKK to PKR is 40.52 PKR
NZD to PKR is 160.08 PKR
SGD to PKR is 208.88 PKR
NOK to PKR is 26.7 PKR
SEK to PKR is 28.15 PKR
CHF to PKR is 317.44 PKR
KRW to PKR is 1.1909 PKR
THB to PKR is 8.25 PKR

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